Tuesday, January 11, 2011

212 Degree Year

With the start of the new year most make resolutions/goals. This year I'm implantmenting something different, I'm going to live by a number: 212. What does this number signify you might ask?

When I attended the Miss Colorado pagent to watch a client/friend compete, the reigning Miss Colorado made an incredible speech regarding this number. She said her year was lived by this number. The boiling point of water is 212 degrees Fahrenheit. At 211 degrees water is very hot, but at 212 degrees water changes to STEAM. At 212 degrees, water is TRANSFORMED. The difference of 1 degree, one SMALL degree.

What if life was the same? How would your life be if you shifted just one degree? Think about all the justification and excuses we use. What if you released them and just DO it!? What would your life be like without FEAR? Is this the difference between good and GREAT?

Instead of setting goals this year, or going that extra mile...what if I just challenged myself to increase it by 1 small degree? When I shared this with my friend Leon, he remembered seeing a video on it. We YouTubed it...turn up your computure for the theaterical effects...ENJOY!
