Sunday, June 12, 2011

You make your decisions and then your decisions make you!

Can you believe half the year has flown by? Are you still where you were at the beginning of the year? How would you like to live out the rest of 2011?

The time to decide is NOW. Once you decide, the future becomes more clear. Your decisions will make you once you decide. The best example of this I can think of is from the movie Twilight (I admit I love the series!). There is a character name Alice who can see the future, but there is a catch: she only sees the future when someone makes a decision! In the REAL world, it is
the same, you will see your future when you decide
and providence moves.

Once you DECIDE, your questions on who, what, when, why, and how will appear. It is then your job to walk through the door presented to you. Making decisions can be stressful. You don't want to make a mistake, you are afraid of what others think, you don't want to lose money, you don't want to look stupid...the banter in your head goes on and on...then you procastinate...then you may even do some sub-conscious self sabotage...

Relax and just BREATHE. Truth is no one knows the right answers. Always consider the SOURCE you are seeking for counsel; have they achieved the success you would like? Know that nothing is forever and you can always go back. Know what you would like to create, even if it's a dream.

Whatever you do, DECIDE on the following things:

Decide NOW to be HAPPY
Happiness begins with you. All we have is this present moment. "Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow is a mystery, and that is why TODAY is the PRESENT."

Decide NOW to end struggling
Your thoughts become things so choose the good ones. Struggling is normally due to the 3 J's: jealousy, justification, and judgement. Who could you be if you released these thoughts?

Love your body and who you are NOW
I see so many people of all shapes and sizes in their most vulnerable states. You all are so imperfectly perfect. You only have one body, nuture it and it will take you where you want to go mentally, physically, and spiritually. Without your health you really have nothing. Be kind to yourself.

When you decide, the answers appear, grace grows in between the gaps, opportunities show up in rare foams and you are blessed with more COURAGE you didn't know you had.

My intention is for this to help you make DECISIONS for a wonderful summer ahead!