Thursday, March 8, 2012

I'm shaving my head and need your help...

What a bizarre week! I'd like to blame it on the moon but I really can't...there has been some re-occuring themes, which for me means slow down, be present, and pay attention to who and what shows up in your life! Perhaps these themes are showing up in your life too?

The church I go to started an 8 week series called re-up, re-build. The main nugget I got: you get your vision then you make your decision. This hits home for me as I've been meditating on what I want to create next in my life and how. You must have a vision and the point of power is in the DECISION. You make your decisions and your decisions will make you. I hope my TRUE story helps you with your visions and decisions.

March 9 will mark 3 years in Denver for me. They have been 3 years of HUGE growth and surrender. When I arrived I said I would rebuild my world here and I could be anyone I wanted to be because no one knew me here. I didn't know who I was or what I wanted to do, only ideas of who I wanted to become.

I bargained with God and promised I would do anything he sent my way, just guide me to the right people, places, and answers. I was lucky enough to meet one of my soul sisters and she let me rent a room in her home. Her home was in Cherry Creek Country Club, a beautiful 8000 sq ft home on the golf course! We moved out a few months later because she sold it.

A few months after I started my business, I had a tanning party schedule in Cherry Creek Country Club. Seriously, what are the chances that I have a random tanning party in the house I lived in when I first moved here?! I walk in and introduce myself to the new owner of the house and said "you're not gonna believe this but I use to live in this house a year ago." I told her the story and of course she loves it! She tells me "well then you know exactly where to set up downstairs."

This house is symbolic for me. It reminds me where I've been, the growth I've had, and that YOU CAN create ANY life you want at any time. You have to get the vision and then you make your decisions, sometimes with a leap of faith.

As I pulled up to it again on Thursday, I told God that I would surrender again to anything he presented, especially in the next 90 days if I could make room for 3 things this year: to fall in love again, to be cash positive, and to contribute more to charity. She laughed at me and replied, I hope you mean that!

On Friday, the owner of Asteria told me she is going to shave her head for St. Balderwick, a non-profit organization to help kids with cancer. She asked if I wanted to donate or partake in it. This voice inside me laughed and said I hope you meant what you said yesterday!

I'm going to be SHAVING my hair off March 15 IF I raise $3000 for this organization. If I do not raise $3000, I will shave Cosmo!

There was a song that sang in my head when I committed to this, it's by Indie Arie called "I am not my hair." The best lines in the song are "I am not my hair, I am not my skin, I am the soul from within." and "Success didasteria profile pic with Cosmon't come until I shaved it all off." Ironic and careful when you strike a bargain with God because she is hilarious!