Sunday, March 10, 2013

Dissolving fear process

It seems like things happen in clusters, good things or bad. When perceived bad things happen to us we often try to figure out why, but sometimes you don't need to know the deeper meaning of everything that happens in our lives. Life will always give you weeds. It's a continual process to keep a beautiful garden. All of us who seek to be conscious and aware regard our experiences as teachers, and we try to discern what lessons we are learning from the things that happen in our lives. 

Sometimes the lesson is very clear and other times we have to really search to for the lesson. While this search often yields results, there comes a point we really need to accept it and just move forward. We are all part of a complex system of being. Things work themselves out in the system as a whole. Sometimes it is easier to see it in terms of karma, a past debt we have been able to repay in this way, or as the clearing of energy. We can simply thank the event for being part of our experience and let it go. 

As I've gotten older, I've learned to incorporate rituals and meditation to help letting go easier. Rituals make things official, it anchors the emotion or thought, enabling you to feel in control again. I've been struggling a lot in the last couple of weeks, with fears and doubts, moving in anger and frustration. In my break-downs I was able to cross over to break-throughs with this fear dissolving process I made up. It is so powerful seeing it on a transparent paper and then physically dissolve away. 

I hope it liberates you from your self defeating thoughts to move in COURAGE and LOVE. All you need is rice paper and a marker! Enjoy the home made video below and share it with others if it helps you. Do it right away and don't complicate it. Would love to hear your break-throughs with it!