Friday, September 13, 2013

Listening to your inner voices

This is from my newsletter last week that I forgot to post...the many posts to come start from this one...

I'm about to confess something that will make me sound CRAZY, or more crazy to those that know me. I hear voices. When I meditate, I  
oftmobile teeth whiteningen appear on grids and there are other characters on the grid that tell me what to pay attention to. Whenever I do my services,  tanning, lashing, or teeth whitening, I ask them to guide me what I must say to you. I use to be scared of it and it would go away. Lately I've been playing with it a little more and the responses always surprise me, often times I grow and so does the client/friend. It empowers me to create and connect.

About 2 months ago the voices told me it was time to start a new journey. This journey would be for about 100 days and I would wake up in the most amazing places, meet the people I'm suppose to, and master some new skills. They said I would be "couch surfing" to ride all the waves that would be coming. They said I would always wake up in a safe place. (Don't worry, So You Boutique will still be open!)  
I laughed at them and said I don't want to be a gypsy anymore. I have a new shop I must put together, my health is recovering, and I have a wonderful home. I just want to rest and enjoy it, this is what I've been working on since I moved to Denver 4 years ago.  

I asked what would happen if I didn't do this journey. They said I would be fine but I would be living in someone's home for the next 2 years, get frustrated and stagnant. They asked me to examine when I listened to them, what magic/miracles appeared and how fast I went.
I thought about how they guided me when logic made no sense of it. They helped me find this life I've created with the wonderful connections of friends and mentors like you. Mlonnie's house ccost of those times, I had no experience nor the money to start it. Family/friends told me I was nuts. Here are some miracles that transformed because of listening to these voice: when I got to Denver I landed in a multi-million dollar home in Cherry Creek Country Club and found a wonderful older sister... Re-invented So You Boutique  
atlc trailernd started airbrush spray tanning. I never spray tanned in my life before this! I had only been in Denver for 9 months and had no network...I wrote and co-produced a guided meditation...I almost LMM recording shaved off my hair. Cosmo took the bullet for me and we raised $1800 for cancer research... I ended up in a wonderful home in the Highlands and connected with a soul sister...last year I started AiryFairy Airplants. I have the blackest thumb yet these thrive...Recently it helped me find the current location for So You Boutique and all the wonderful health remedy's for my ulcerative colitis.  

These are just a few examples. I write this not to impress you, just to impress upon you that you can do, be and have whatever you dream. Trust in the Universe and listen to your heart, these voices will guide you to your answers. It may not be in the form you thought it would be, often times it will be more miraculous than you could imagine. It will lead you to your greatness.

I wrestled with this for about 2 weeks before I made a decision. I thought maybe it was because my hormones were off balance, my imagination going into overdrive, something with the cosmos. Signs appeared and I'm taking a leap of faith, no idea of what will manifest.
I got rid of a lot of stuff and moved out of my home last week. This month I'm at a friend's 3 bedroom house with more space than I know what to do with. House and pet-sitting Krieger, a 150lb dog. Cosmo is playing big brother to him. You should see the 3 of us walking in the morning, it's quite comical and an unlikely trio. We sit on the porch writing my morning pages almost everyday, they love it. 

Tuesday Sept 2 really hit me with doubt. I got scared and really wondered what the heck I'm doing. I have NO HOME! Today I realized that HOME is where-ever you ARE. Many times we think we have to get to a place, but the transition is a place. Enjoy the transition and flow, it may be a long ride. Just like yoga, life flows from one moment to the next. 

I'm suppose to start this 100 day journey and I can start it at anytime. I'm making it today because it is the New Moon. The new moon is different than the full moon. The full moon is quite neurotic. The new moon is 2 weeks after the full moon. It is the best time for new beginnings/intentions because it follows the darkest phases of the moon. In the darkness you can see the stars.
Today is a wonderful day to make decisions to propel you forward. Have faith and trust. Stop pushing and pull forward, there is a difference, one is easier. There's 3 weeks left of summer, 3 months left of the year. How do you want to finish it? Make it where you add something to your life or change something. What do you want to harvest at season's end? What seeds do you want to plant for years to come? Sometimes the answers don't show up right away. If you've been struggling, today is the day to let go and start over. When you let go, it will let go of you.

I don't know what I'm suppose to learn and do, I'll be sharing it with you as I embrace it. After I decided to leap with faith, I found this video on TED about listening to your voices. The world needs more leaders not followers. We are all co-creating together. Hope this video helps you find your inner voice, your guiding voice, connecting you to your vulnerability and giving you strength and courage to heal whatever you want: physically, emotionally, spiritually.