Thursday, August 30, 2012

Oh Blue Moon

I was walking back to the salon last night from 2nd Home and saw the moon. It's gorgeous! My friend Amanda told me earlier in the day that there are 2 full moons this month. I came home to google it and found out that this rarely happens and when it does, the 2nd moon is called a "blue moon" Which is why there is that saying, "once in a blue moon." The full moon is on Friday Aug 31, 2012.

Because the full moon has power to change the tides, this is a very powerful time if you want it to be. It's about a time of waves, changes, and dreams. So if life is about riding out the waves...there are lots of waves right now! Take this time to pick out your waves so that you can SURF the best waves. There are lots of new opportunities for you and you can ride as many waves as you want. This is a time of excitement and allows for the dreams and the changes you want.

Take time today to think about one thing you want to change in your life or add to. Whatever is the first thing that pops in your head is your inner child and make it that. Ask the universe for it, or put it in the lotus meditation this week and see what manifests!

Happy Thursday an happy dreaming!