Monday, October 22, 2012

Open Your Heart

I went to the Madonna concert this past Thursday. During the concert a strange thing happened. When she sang the song "Open Your Heart" much of the music quieted down for me and the words rang really clear. I've never really been a fan of this song but there was a message I was suppose to get out it. Some of the words are "I hold the lock and you hold the key. I'll give you love, if you turn the key." I kept getting images of this Skeleton key with a heart on it. I kept seeing a heart lock as well. The next morning in my meditation the words kept ringing though again and the same images. I asked the universe what is it that I'm suppose to connect. They told me it was time to turn the key. I held both the lock and the key. It was a really powerful point of awareness.

All of our hearts are lock up. You hold the key to open up your own heart and you hold the key to open up other people's heart. At the heart of every relationship is communication and YOU at any time have the power to unlock it whatever you want it to be. They will love you as long as YOU turn the key. 

As giving as we all are, our hearts are locked up. It's to protect us because we've been through a lot of things in our lives and now we are living more from our heads than our hearts. Check in with the words you use and you will catch yourself on how you resist many things you want. Are your words aligned with pure potential, pure love intent, pure joy? Your words are your law. Your words dictate your emotions. Your emotions control your thoughts. Your thoughts filter info and guide you to decisions. Your decisions create your destiny.

As we go into this last quarter of the year, I would like to remind you to live with your heart above your head. This could be the time of the best celebrations or greatest stress. The vibrancy you release will inspire others and remind them of their blessed lives. Check in often with yourself so you stay in your Vortex. Life and doubt will knock you out of it so remember how good it feels when you are in your power, flow, beauty, and alignment. Don't compare yourself to others because you have your path. The world deserves the best You, the happiest you. In this light you change people and re-ignite their inspiration. Every interaction you have can change someone's life. YOU must be the change YOU want to see in the world. Love people for where they are at and be the benchmark for where they could be. You can only control your thoughts and actions, please choose the good ones.

Lastly I want to remind you that it is EASY! Stop using the words "It's hard" because you make it hard. Your words are your law. When it seems difficult, ask yourself how am I making this harder on myself than it is? What is it that I must surrender? Is this thought serving me? What is it that I must learn? Is this really true? What can I do? What is the better thought? What does my soul need now? Then affirm yourself that it is imperfectly perfect, release the idea of perfection.

BREATHE! Breathe in light, breathe out tension. Breathe in love, breathe out fear. Breathe in faith, breathe out doubt. Breathe in trust, breathe out anxiety. Breathe in hope, breathe out disappointment. Breathe in joy, breathe out anger. You are enough. You have infinite potential. You can do, be, and have whatever you dream. All is well in your world.

I believe in you.