Friday, November 29, 2013

A time for bounty

Thanksgiving is an American tradition my family loves to celebrate. We always attempt to do a turkey, but at the end of it all, it normally becomes a turkey pho.  

I've spent several holidays alone or with strangers since moving to Denver. The friendsgiving/orphan dinners were actually AWESOME.  

At first, I was kinda depressed by the thought but it really made me appreciate so many things. An event/person only has special meaning if you give it the power; it's really a definition you attach to it. It's just any other day, another 86,400 seconds. EVERYDAY is a gift and something miraculous could happen at anytime. Family is whatever and WHOEVER you want to include, it has no boundaries unless you put it there.   

As we enter this season of bountiful gifts, let us reflect on what that means exactly.
Boun-ty / baun-te' : noun - good things that are given or provided freely in large amounts.  

And, then there's...Bounty - the quicker-picker-upper.

My wise friend Kathy Cagney Rossi ( says we need both.
Being grateful is a great way to stay full. Full of peace and acceptance. When we have bounty in our lives (as defined above) it is the ultimate quicker-picker-upper. It will up your attitude in an instant when you take a moment to be grateful for all that you have.

Go forth and enjoy the bounty - the family, friends, turkey, pumpkin pie and all the trimmings. Oh, and be sure to have some Bounty on hand to clean up after crazy Uncle Sal spills the gravy, too!
And, don't forget to turn your scale back 10 lbs. this holiday!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Airbrush tanning is like wearing sexy underwear

I asked a returning client if there was a reason for the tan. She said "NOPE. Just needed a pick me up." Airbrush spray tanning is seriously the cheapest therapy you can do for yourself!

When I'm tanned, I feel better, look healthier. I'm more CONSCIOUS. When I workout, I workout harder because I can see my muscles working. (Dark fat is so much better than white fat!) I don't eat as much. I'm wittier and more radiant.

Being airbrushed is like wearing sexy underwear. No one has to know but you. You are more confident which results in being more attractive and responsive to life's ebs and flows. So GET YOUR GLOW ON and wear sexy underwear everyday!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Listening to your inner voices

This is from my newsletter last week that I forgot to post...the many posts to come start from this one...

I'm about to confess something that will make me sound CRAZY, or more crazy to those that know me. I hear voices. When I meditate, I  
oftmobile teeth whiteningen appear on grids and there are other characters on the grid that tell me what to pay attention to. Whenever I do my services,  tanning, lashing, or teeth whitening, I ask them to guide me what I must say to you. I use to be scared of it and it would go away. Lately I've been playing with it a little more and the responses always surprise me, often times I grow and so does the client/friend. It empowers me to create and connect.

About 2 months ago the voices told me it was time to start a new journey. This journey would be for about 100 days and I would wake up in the most amazing places, meet the people I'm suppose to, and master some new skills. They said I would be "couch surfing" to ride all the waves that would be coming. They said I would always wake up in a safe place. (Don't worry, So You Boutique will still be open!)  
I laughed at them and said I don't want to be a gypsy anymore. I have a new shop I must put together, my health is recovering, and I have a wonderful home. I just want to rest and enjoy it, this is what I've been working on since I moved to Denver 4 years ago.  

I asked what would happen if I didn't do this journey. They said I would be fine but I would be living in someone's home for the next 2 years, get frustrated and stagnant. They asked me to examine when I listened to them, what magic/miracles appeared and how fast I went.
I thought about how they guided me when logic made no sense of it. They helped me find this life I've created with the wonderful connections of friends and mentors like you. Mlonnie's house ccost of those times, I had no experience nor the money to start it. Family/friends told me I was nuts. Here are some miracles that transformed because of listening to these voice: when I got to Denver I landed in a multi-million dollar home in Cherry Creek Country Club and found a wonderful older sister... Re-invented So You Boutique  
atlc trailernd started airbrush spray tanning. I never spray tanned in my life before this! I had only been in Denver for 9 months and had no network...I wrote and co-produced a guided meditation...I almost LMM recording shaved off my hair. Cosmo took the bullet for me and we raised $1800 for cancer research... I ended up in a wonderful home in the Highlands and connected with a soul sister...last year I started AiryFairy Airplants. I have the blackest thumb yet these thrive...Recently it helped me find the current location for So You Boutique and all the wonderful health remedy's for my ulcerative colitis.  

These are just a few examples. I write this not to impress you, just to impress upon you that you can do, be and have whatever you dream. Trust in the Universe and listen to your heart, these voices will guide you to your answers. It may not be in the form you thought it would be, often times it will be more miraculous than you could imagine. It will lead you to your greatness.

I wrestled with this for about 2 weeks before I made a decision. I thought maybe it was because my hormones were off balance, my imagination going into overdrive, something with the cosmos. Signs appeared and I'm taking a leap of faith, no idea of what will manifest.
I got rid of a lot of stuff and moved out of my home last week. This month I'm at a friend's 3 bedroom house with more space than I know what to do with. House and pet-sitting Krieger, a 150lb dog. Cosmo is playing big brother to him. You should see the 3 of us walking in the morning, it's quite comical and an unlikely trio. We sit on the porch writing my morning pages almost everyday, they love it. 

Tuesday Sept 2 really hit me with doubt. I got scared and really wondered what the heck I'm doing. I have NO HOME! Today I realized that HOME is where-ever you ARE. Many times we think we have to get to a place, but the transition is a place. Enjoy the transition and flow, it may be a long ride. Just like yoga, life flows from one moment to the next. 

I'm suppose to start this 100 day journey and I can start it at anytime. I'm making it today because it is the New Moon. The new moon is different than the full moon. The full moon is quite neurotic. The new moon is 2 weeks after the full moon. It is the best time for new beginnings/intentions because it follows the darkest phases of the moon. In the darkness you can see the stars.
Today is a wonderful day to make decisions to propel you forward. Have faith and trust. Stop pushing and pull forward, there is a difference, one is easier. There's 3 weeks left of summer, 3 months left of the year. How do you want to finish it? Make it where you add something to your life or change something. What do you want to harvest at season's end? What seeds do you want to plant for years to come? Sometimes the answers don't show up right away. If you've been struggling, today is the day to let go and start over. When you let go, it will let go of you.

I don't know what I'm suppose to learn and do, I'll be sharing it with you as I embrace it. After I decided to leap with faith, I found this video on TED about listening to your voices. The world needs more leaders not followers. We are all co-creating together. Hope this video helps you find your inner voice, your guiding voice, connecting you to your vulnerability and giving you strength and courage to heal whatever you want: physically, emotionally, spiritually.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The EASE in Disease

This is posted from my latest newsletter. Which can be access from this link
Behind every dis-ease, is healing and a blessing in disguise. I have a blessing and a curse, it's called ulcerative colitis. It's an auto-immune disorder and when it flares up, I have ulcers and inflammation in my digestive system causing me to have loose bloody stools 20-30X a day. I have cramps, muscle depletion, achy joints, depression, and several fatigue and dehydration. I got struck with a bad flare up which sent me to the ER twice in May/June 2013.

After the second time, I was determined to heal faster because modern medicine is just a temporary Band-Aid to mask the CAUSE behind the effect. This flare up lead to a few life changing habits and products; the reason for the Summer of Magic, Miracles, and Healing. Caesar said "all roads lead to Rome." When it comes to your physical health, all roads lead to your gut. I wished someone had shared these things with me sooner, which is why I'm sharing it with you. For instance, you should eat fruit by itself because if it follows protein, it has to wait to digest. It then ferments and creates an acidic environment for bacteria, yeast, and parasites to feed=ACID REFLUX over time. 

I promise you will find miracles, growth, and empowerment in these things. Perhaps it has crossed your path before, you said you "should" do it, yet no action has taken place. I challenge you to try some or all of these disciplines within 3 days or the truth is, you just won't do it. The quicker you try it, the faster your life will improve if you allow it.

There's a lot in this newsletter, but I wanted it all in one place for you because I'm a nerd. Your health is your greatest wealth. In one month I was able to recover more than I did in 4 months of my last flare-up. I had my colonscopy a month after my 2nd ER visit, here are the results. I wanted to wait to send this newsletter because I wanted to make sure it wasn't a placebo and the results were consistent. 

Please listen to your body because each body is unique, combine these with western medicine and let others know what you are doing. I incorporated the Body Ecology Diet which taught me the wonderful world of food combining, the 80/20 rule, the magic of kefir, new cleansing foods and herbs. I oil-pulled daily. I drank and bathed in miracle clay to pull out toxins and fill my body with trace minerals. Log your day with what you eat, how you feel...there will be waves.  

My intention is only to CONNECT you. Links are provided for you to research/order. Besides the lotus mudra meditation and Miracle Clay, I do not get paid for any of this. I only hope this provides you with a surge of energy and excellent health for years to come, to be the person and change you want to see in the world.  You can contact me at anytime via my website

The Body Ecology Diet  by Donna Gates

I have spent over 10 years trying to figure out why I was cursed with what I thought was several IBS, later diagnose as ulcerative colitis. I've been to many doctors, tried traditional and non-traditional medicines and regimes, spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars: eliminating sugar, alcohol, dairy, gluten, taken umpteen vitamin and mineral supplements, tried internal cleansing cures until I was blue in the face. I was exercising regularly and had learned relaxation techniques. I was probably the healthiest sick person around.

"Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have found the Body Ecology diet after struggling with candida, chronic fatigue, depression, weight problems, early aging, ADHD, autism, hormone imbalance and auto-immune disorders.

Body Ecology offers a back-to-basics approach to restoring health and vitality. The digestive system is intimately linked to the immune, endocrine, circulatory and central nervous systems. Profoundly affecting all these interlocking systems is an amazing world of benevolent bacteria. The Body Ecology Diet and associated products are all specifically designed to help cultivate, nourish, cleanse, and repair this abundant inner ecosystem.

After 25 years of studying Eastern healing systems and Western fad diets, international best-selling author Donna Gates, nutritionist, world-renowned teacher and lecturer, discovered the key to health and longevity... a flourishing inner ecosystem living inside your intestines. Based on a deep understanding of how the digestive tract truly affects how you look, feel and even think, the Body Ecology Diet offers a gluten-free, sugar-free, probiotic-rich way to eat that will change your taste buds and your life forever. "     

Miracle Clay

One of my greatest discoveries with my flare up, Miracle Clay. This company produces AWESOME organic, vegan products that I want everybody to know about them. It was used medicinally for thousands of years by nearly 200 cultures, including the Egyptians, the Aztecs, and other native people of Mexico, South America, and North America. In modern times, NASA scientists conducted extensive research on this clay, and astronauts consumed it to strengthen their bodies and reverse the effects of osteoporosis caused by weightlessness during space missions. This edible clay has a strong negative electrical charge that removes toxins, impurities, and harmful chemicals from the body. It is so effective that it has been used to remove extremely high amounts of radiation from patients affected by the Chernobyl disaster, and is currently being used to treat people affected by the tsunami in Japan. I drank it daily and bathed in it. I used their toothpaste after I did oil-pulling.

The type of clay used in Miracle Clay's products has undergone extensive hydrothermal exposure and several scientific research studies have found this clay to be the best for internal consumption because it is active and potent. This is because igneous activity deep in the fissures of the earth, brings boiling water to the surface of the earth, and creates extensive pools of bubbling mud. These bubbling pools churn the Calcium Montmorillonite Clay, adding beneficial trace minerals and breaking down the larger size parent material. Over a long period of time this activity brings about complete fragmentation or crystallization and hydrolysis of the clay making it readily available for absorption.

Human cells are like electrical batteries with positive and negative charges. When the energy of the battery begins to weaken, the cell becomes sick and weak. However, if the dying cell is charged by an electrical current, it will become living once again. Minerals themselves hold positive and electrical charges. The exchange of these charges accounts for its action. Scientists are not sure exactly how this works, or to what degree it does. Yet, when the cell is given the essential minerals it needs to live, it can regenerate and "nurse" itself back to health.
When consumed internally, Miracle Clay absorbs toxins trapped in the stomach, colon, and intestines as well as delivering 57 types of pure trace minerals that are easily absorbed by the body. Miracle Clay can help:
* Detoxify the Skin & Body
* Relieve Heartburn
* Reduce Acid Reflux
* Balance Body pH Levels
* Increase T-Cell Count
* Eliminate Food Allergies
* Help with Anemia
* Cure Diarrhea
* Relieve Constipation
* Reduce Ulcers
* Help with Autism Conditions
* Reduce Emotional Stress
* Improve Digestion
* Eliminate Acne 
* Reduce Skin Rashes
* Relieve Hay Fever
* Reduce Scars & Bruising
* Reduce Arthritis
* Improve Skin Health
* Cleanse the Liver & Colon
* Treat Insect Bites
* Heal Psoriasis & Eczema
* Reduce Carpal Tunnel
* Assist in Weight Loss

The clay works in four ways to heal humans and animals:
Adsorption - Toxins, metals, and bacteria will bond to the negatively charged clay the way metal shavings are pulled onto a magnet. The clay naturally cleanses the body and skin by eliminating toxins through adsorption.

Absorption - The clay draws in impurities into its layered internal structure, like a sponge. Because of this, clay will offer long-term benefits for disease and infection, not just a quick fix.

Alkaline pH Level - This clay is highly alkaline and helps the body balance its natural pH levels. Keeping the body alkaline has been proven to improve energy levels, strengthen the immune system, reduce pain and inflammation, and slow down the aging process.

Essential Trace Minerals - The average diet is severely lacking essential trace minerals because foods contain lower levels of nutrition than they once did. The clay contains 57 types of trace minerals that are crucial for many body functions including transporting oxygen, normalizing the nervous system, and promoting healthy tissues and bones.

I cannot rave enough about the health benefits.

Healing in Oil-Pulling

"Oil Pulling" is an ancient form of dental care and general detoxification used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine. This technique is still effective today and I swear by it. You can also find amazing information at

To do oil pulling, you take about 1 tablespoon of unrefined sesame oil in the morning on an empty stomach and swish it around in your mouth, remembering to pull it through the teeth, not just swishing side to side. Move your chin up and down as if you're chewing also helps to draw out your saliva and activate digestion. This draws the poisons from the blood through the mucous membranes in the mouth. For the best results, try to swish for about 15 - 20 minutes. It seems like a LONG TIME when you first start. So, if you can't stand the taste or sensation (which is very common in the beginning) start slowly and build up to 20 minutes. When the oil has become saturated with the toxins it has pulled out, it will become somewhat whitish and a thinner, milky consistency. Spit the oil out (never swallow the oil because it is toxic at this point) and rinse your mouth out with warm salt water.

Then brush your teeth with the clay toothpaste or other natural toothpaste. Keep a separate toothbrush for oil pulling because it can build up with toxins and bacteria. Always run the brush under hot water for a few minutes and then allow to air dry. You can oil pull every single day, and some people swish three times a day. Just always do it on an empty stomach. On a full stomach, the toxins in your mouth may give you nausea.  Sesame oil or sunflower oil are the most effective, but you can use coconut oil as well.   

Oil pulling can really help with: oral health (tooth decay, loose teeth, bleeding gums, bad breath, whitening of your teeth), eczema, acne and other skin conditions, respiratory disorders like bronchitis and sinus congestion, headaches and migraines, insomnia, thrombosis, inflammation, arthritis, increasing your metabolism, general detoxification, and overall health.

The Magic of Kefir
Kefir is a cultured, creamy product with amazing health attributes.Similar to a drinking-style yogurt, it contains beneficial yeast as well as friendly 'probiotic' bacteria found in yogurt. The naturally occurring bacteria and yeast in kefir combine symbiotically to give superior health benefits when consumed regularly. Have 1/2-1 cup a day and in 2 weeks you will feel younger and have a surge of new found energy. It can be found in the yogurt section of most grocery stores. The plain goat's milk kefir is the most beneficial.  

Benefits of Kefir
Easily digested, it cleanses the intestines, provides beneficial bacteria and yeast, vitamins and minerals, and complete proteins. Because kefir is such a balanced and nourishing food, it contributes to a healthy immune system and has been used to help patients suffering from AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, herpes, and cancer. Its tranquilizing effect on the nervous system has benefited many who suffer from sleep disorders, depression, and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).

The regular use of kefir can help relieve all intestinal disorders, promote bowel movement, reduce flatulence and create a healthier digestive system. In addition, its cleansing effect on the whole body helps to establish a balanced inner ecosystem for optimum health and longevity. for more info
All Disease comes from a state of UNFORGIVENESS.                                                                                           Do you believe the root of all illness/disease really stems from an emotional and mental belief? You may not be ready for this truth because it will make you  take responsibility for your life, your happiness, and your health. The physical effect of anxiety, sleep disorders, cancer, auto-immunes are really deeply rooted in the subconscious belief of self-hatred and guilt. The bottom line for everyone is "I'm not good enough."

There are 2 books that changed my life in regards to this, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay and The Anatomy of the Spirit by Carolyn Myss. If you truly want to heal and wake up embracing the world, these books will be the legs for you to stand on.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Power of Vulnerability

The summer is flying by and will be over before we know it! This summer is the summer of Magic, Miracles, and Healing at So You Boutique, yet I've only sent a few emails on it. So sorry! I hope these messages shift you to change what you desire/seek. We are ever just one thought away to love, peace, and joy. Every interaction you have can change someone and Braxton empowered me yesterday.

Braxton came to see me for a teeth whitening session. He was passing through Denver and we've been friends for over 6 years. We both shared how we overcompensate for our weakness and perceived imperfections. So many times we try to hide it, numb it to protect ourselves. When we do this we actually deny ourselves of joy, gratitude, happiness, love, belonging, worthiness...

Braxton shared this video with me. If you want to shift past some of your fears, embrace life more, create change, have courage to be more authentic, take 20 minutes to watch the video below. Unplug from the world and be PRESENT- no multi-tasking! It will make you laugh, agree, have a-ha's, connect and open up. I hope this message shifts you to heal your relationships creating magic and miracles.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Magic and Miracles. Letting Go and Allowing What Will

This week I had a quite a few cancellations/changes in appointments. Usually I'm pretty chill about it and know that it allows me to do things I was putting off, so I adjust pretty quickly. It was not the case on Thursday June 20th.

It was 8:30A and I had a cancel for 9:30A which was an 1.5 hr appointment. I decide to take a walk with Cosmo and feel the pulse of the day, asking God to guide me to the right people, places, and answers.  

As I was walking, I rationed I should flyer the new neighborhood I am now in with So You Boutique. I thought about getting a homeless person to do it because I pass several everyday going into work... maybe tomorrow if I saw one with a creative sign...I need one that is decent though...hmm.

I put out the intention to the Universe that I find one in which I can help and vice versa. I stopped into a coffee shop to grab a chai tea and relax into it.  As I turned the corner, with tea in hand one hand and Cosmo in the other, there was a homeless guy reading under a tree in front of the Montisori school.

I took a deep breathe and laughed thinking how the Universe always delivers. Casually I walk by him and made small talk. In a few minutes I knew it was safe because I can see the clarity and spark in his eyes. I asked him if he wanted to make $40 because I had 500 flyers at the studio. He accepted the offer. As we walked back to the studio I learned Travis was 31 and had been homeless for a year, a series of bad luck just hit him. At the studio I gave him the box of flyers, a cup of kefir to drink, a bottled water for the road, and $20. The other $20 would be given when he completed the job.

Before Travis left, I asked him if he believed in magic and miracles.  He said he believed in miracles but not magic. I said they are really the same, it's just a matter of thought. Just like LUCK.  I told Travis his luck is changing and today is his lucky day. Luck is what you make of it, when opportunity meets preparation.

An hour later, I get a call from a lady inquiring about eyelash extensions because she got a postcard on her car. She booked the appointment for next week. It's a $250 service.  I got another call from the Better Business Bureau because their office is 2 streets down from me. The lady wants me to join the bureau of course, but she also wanted an airbrush tan, appointment set for Monday.

I encourage you to let go of expectations, judgments, and control today. Surrender if things don't go your way and look to see what you can do. Ask what this is allowing you to experience and chose how you want to be. Relax into the intensity. Be the inspiration, and more magic and miracles will appear in your life.

As for Travis, that is to be continued...the empty box of flyers was at my door at 2P when I returned from lunch. I still owe him $20. I'm sure you'll read about him in a future writing...

Do You Believe in Magic and Miracles? I love MAGIC.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Bronzed and Beautiful Summer awaits...Skin Cancer Awareness Summer

On the Light Side...
Much ado about weddings
Wedding season is upon us. Brides definitely look better in their dress bronzed...but so does everyone else! Don't regret it when you see the pics in your social media...don't show up pale or with tan lines to your events. Look more elegant dressed up, let us help you even out those lines.
One the SERIOUS side...  
Since moving to the new studio in Golden Triangle, we have had so many new clients and returning clients. Unfortunately, some of the new clients found airbrush tanning because they had melanoma. One gal was only 17, I airbrushed her for prom.  
Although we need the sun, we do not need the over-exposure to UV rays! Skin cancer is no light matter and it is the silent killer. Since 1980s skin cancer has risen over 50% among women between the ages of 15-39. In Colorado alone, 19,000-22,000 are diagnosed with melanoma ever year.

We are dedicating this entire SUMMER to Skin Cancer Awareness and hope you join us. Bring a guy, I have disposable briefs for them! =)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Finding S.O.U.L



Last week I was asked to co-host a Mulungi Event for S.O.U.L. Foundation with my room-mate Tanya, (Supporting Opportunities for Ugandans to Learn). Tanya went to Uganda in February where she helped villagers learn to farm and do various crafts. Hearing her stories I was really touched on how S.O.U.L. teaches Ugandans ways to live. "Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime."

I agreed to co-hosting this event in my new studio of So You Boutique in which
our goal is to raise $3000 to fund 30 sewing machines. After doing my lotus mudra meditation on Mother's Day, I could not get the image of my mom and aunts in a garage sewing til the wee hours of the night when we first immigrated to the US. This really hits home for me, especially on Mother's Day. 

I grew up in southern California really poor because we are immigrants. My mother escaped from Vietnam with my brother Trung and I on a boat in 1983. She did whatever jobs she could find for my brother and I to have better lives and CHOICES. She didn't know any English. One of those jobs was sewing clothes. My aunts and mom would get sewing jobs of about 500 pieces of garments, each paying $0.50, in which they would have a week to accomplish. My aunt Rum's garage was like a sweat shop. The kids would play in the house and at times would have to rip out the seams of clothing if they made mistakes. At one time, I had a pile of 50 shirts to undo! I was as happy as can be helping and playing with my cousins though. They did this for a little over a year and then had other opportunities. My mother went to cosmetology school and eventually open up various nail salons.  
Fast forward almost 30 years later, all the kids happy familyare young professionals. We would not be where we are today had someone not given my mother a HAND UP. This is why I believe in this cause so much. I do not believe in giving a hand out, I do believe in giving a hand up. I believe in miracles and I do believe you can create any life you dream. 

S.O.U.L .Foundation is a non-profit organization and they work to foster sustainable and vibrant Ugandan communities through unique partnerships focused on education, women's empowerment, food security and health. The Village Business Cooperatives are designed to increase villager's incomes in a sustainable way, thus allowing the rural poor to meet their families' basic needs while creating additional income that brings the dream of education and upward mobility within reach. Ugandan women form the backbone of their communities, shouldering numerous responsibilities, the most important being the care of their children. Seeking to help these rural Ugandan women break the cycle of poverty, S.O.U.L. Foundation partnered with groups of women to create the Mulungi Collection of handbags, jewelry, embroidered headbands, and African baskets. The word "Mulungi" means beautiful in the local Lusoga language. The Mulungi collection unites sisterhood and feminine energy among women across the globe.

Please join Tanya and I on Tuesday May 28th for a Mulungi Party 6:30-8:30P. We will have food, music, and Mulungi merchandise for you to experience and buy. Because the slogan of my AiryFairy Airplants is "Believe things can grow out of the air" my air plant sales in May will go towards this cause. You can also donate by going on the S.O.U.L. Foundation website

Thursday, May 2, 2013

You create your own weather

It snowed about 6-8 inches in Denver yesterday, May 1st...yes May 1st! Snow does mess up my day a bit for my services. I really can't control the outside weather, I just have to relax into in and ask what is this allowing me to do instead of being bummed or mad about it. The only control I have is my thoughts and my actions. Weather can determine lots of people's moods though, including my own. You just have to learn to wait out the storm and dance in the rain because you can really create your own weather.

Thank goodness my clients don't let weather stop them from getting their airbrush spray tans! As I was airbrush tanning I shared an awareness I had on weather...your reality is your weather and you make your weather on what you BELIEVE.

Earlier in the week, my room-mate told me it was going to snow on Wednesday. I checked the weather channel on my phone and had all 60s and sunny. I told her she was wrong, or maybe it changed since she last checked. Others told me throughout the day that snow was coming. I refused to believe it. In my world it was sunny and I was happy as can be. Monday night we were watching the VOICE and the news came on with snow...I checked my phone again and it still said sunny and clear all week...then I realized the automatic app update changed my settings, it was showing NYC weather! Reality busted my bubble. Then I quickly shifted the thought because in my world, it was going to be sunny damn-it!

At the new studio, I played tropical music, turned on the heat, and made believed I was in sunny climate. Lots of new clients came in Tuesday and Wednesday for their spray tans despite the weather. I had a ball of time connecting. We know that being tan makes us happier!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Some BUNNY wants a tan

Spring is in the air again, springing love and springing airbrush tans!!!!! There's been lots of new clients lately, all with wonderful stories. Luckily for me, I get to celebrate little and big moments of their lives in a kinda non-conventional way. (Names have been changed and I must keep this PG rated...)  

I love being part of weddings and also the excitement of new romances. It's not uncommon for a girl to come and get spray tan before a date, trip, etc. This past month I've had lots of male spray tanning virgins! One was spray tanning with his fiancĂ© as a test run before their wedding. Another was spray tanning because he was going to rendezvous with a former love interest to RIO. My favorite this month is Dave. He's over 65 and came with his wife before their trip to Hawaii. He was so excited and was like a little kid doing muscle poises. Dark fat is better than white fat!   

It's a completely different energy and playfulness with guys. One of my best spray tanning adventures is when I did a spray tanning party at a ranch for a group going on a cruise. One husband made these John Deer cut-outs and asked if he could tan his butt with them. He showed his son and then he wanted to join in on the fun. Boys will always be boys.    
Ladies, introduce guys to the wonderful world of airbrush spray tanning! They just don't know that they will love it! In our new tanning studio, it will be much more fun with couples tanning. (We will be in our new space April 21st!) Shoot, bring the whole family or have us come to you for a spray tanning party. I got disposable undies for them....hahaha!

Have a fabulous EASTER Weekend and may you be bronze in your Easter outfits.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Dissolving fear process

It seems like things happen in clusters, good things or bad. When perceived bad things happen to us we often try to figure out why, but sometimes you don't need to know the deeper meaning of everything that happens in our lives. Life will always give you weeds. It's a continual process to keep a beautiful garden. All of us who seek to be conscious and aware regard our experiences as teachers, and we try to discern what lessons we are learning from the things that happen in our lives. 

Sometimes the lesson is very clear and other times we have to really search to for the lesson. While this search often yields results, there comes a point we really need to accept it and just move forward. We are all part of a complex system of being. Things work themselves out in the system as a whole. Sometimes it is easier to see it in terms of karma, a past debt we have been able to repay in this way, or as the clearing of energy. We can simply thank the event for being part of our experience and let it go. 

As I've gotten older, I've learned to incorporate rituals and meditation to help letting go easier. Rituals make things official, it anchors the emotion or thought, enabling you to feel in control again. I've been struggling a lot in the last couple of weeks, with fears and doubts, moving in anger and frustration. In my break-downs I was able to cross over to break-throughs with this fear dissolving process I made up. It is so powerful seeing it on a transparent paper and then physically dissolve away. 

I hope it liberates you from your self defeating thoughts to move in COURAGE and LOVE. All you need is rice paper and a marker! Enjoy the home made video below and share it with others if it helps you. Do it right away and don't complicate it. Would love to hear your break-throughs with it!