Have you been in work or
holiday re-cooping mode? Perhaps strategy or solution finding? January
has always been a tough month for me, I'm excited about new
starts/goals/projects but overwhelmed and tight on budget. My rational
mind says to be "conservative" and do the "logical" and responsible
Last week I was in research
and planning mode. I wrote down action items I needed to do but I found
my body in RESISTANCE...so I procrastinated...On Saturday I realized I
had gotten into analysis paralysis. I wasn't living from my heart or
using my intuition, and asking lousy questions. Questions are really the
If you ask a lousy question,
you'll get a lousy answer. For instance, are you sub-consciously asking
yourself "Why can't I lose weight?" Re-frame it and ask "How can I
lose 5 lbs in the next 2 weeks?" If you do this, you'll find your brain
will seek 2-3 action steps instantly and flow with more ease. If you ask
the first question, you'll find your body goes into an excuse mode of
I've tried it before...it was hard...and it links it with PAIN. Then you
end up doing nothing at all. In a month you find yourself in the same
place repeating the pattern. It makes it harder to FEEL into the
gratitude, appreciation, and joy living the first way.
I'm going to challenge you to shift your actions/thoughts and just see how different you FEEL
- Pick your target and re-frame your goal in the form of a question with the end in mind and a time frame
- Write it down
- Be open to what shows up in the form of symbols, impressions, people, events in the next few days...if it is shows up repeatedly, experiment with it. You can always go back to your old ways, but what if this is the answer you've been seeking?
- Relax into it. Trust. For things to change, you sometimes have to change. Sometimes things may seem bad but its really acting in your favor. Affirm "Life doesn't happen TO me, life happens FOR me." The more of life I experience, the more I believe nothing is coincidence unless you want it to be
- Body check yourself with Intuition-->then logic-->then Emotion.
It is my intention that this brings you to happier win/win solutions in all aspects of your life!
Thank you for being you and part of my life. Would love to hear or read whatever steers you in this moment.