Friday, January 11, 2013

FEELING into gratitude and releasing expectations

Confession: This series I'm doing with the 12 Days of Beauty and Light isn't rolling out quite as I intended it...I was suppose to have one everyday and end on Jan 5, but I'm only on day 5 and it's January 5th! Has this happened to you? Maybe on the lines of exercising? 

I had a lot of them 1/2 written but it wasn't quite "perfect." and I thought for sure I would have it done in time. Time goes by so quickly that 3 days=1 before I'm aware of it.   

I hope this confession gives you permission to let go of your expectations. As long as you are consistent and keep taking steps RESPONDING to life instead of reacting, it will all flow with ease and you experience things better than you thought. The universe is funny like that. I'm constantly amazed by God's mercy, grace and timing. Hopefully these messages will get to you at the time you need it.  

As I end this week, I'm reminded of BEING in gratitude and appreciation. I was talking to my sister Lonnie because I was in a funk and I was mad at myself that I couldn't shift out of it, even though I know I should be grateful. Lonnie said it was because I was "doing" instead of "being." It's not enough to write or say it ,although that is a start, you must FEEL it and BE it.  

I realized I was living into the future again so I wasn't BEING present to this experience, lesson, and blessing. I was "comparing" and "shoulding." Although I was grateful, I had slipped out of APPRECIATION.  

Gratitude is when you are grateful you went though an experience, you SURVIVED it! This puts it in the past. Appreciation is when you are PRESENT to the experience,allowing you to count your blessing now and feel into it. From here you can duplicate to have more of this state. You must have gratitude to start. Here's the equation gratitude -> appreciation -> duplication.  

I just wrote out 100 gratitudes and I'm going to challenge you to do the same. Do it weekly and re-read it every few days, your brain must remember to remember. If it helps you, print up a picture when you were really happy and write on it. Carry the picture with you all week to remind you of your state of JOY. When you are in a state of JOY you will want to dance and want the best for everyone...that will be tomorrow's newsletter...