Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Every Interaction you have can change someone's life

My friend Faith has a great saying on her voicemail, "Every interaction you have can change someone's life, who know's this may change yours." The last few days have been a numbing feeling. Today I really took time out to pray and meditate.

There are lots of people out there suffering and you really have the power to enable or empower someone, to give inspiration, to pass on more love with something as simple as a connection with the eyes, a smile, a hug, a compliment. These things take about10 seconds, free to give away, and the effect is PRICELESS, creating a ripple effect that transforms the world.

What I've learned in my services is people, male or female, really want to feel a few basic things: they want to feel loved, appreciated, beautiful/sexy, desired, young, excited, and above all, that someone BELIEVES in them. Perhaps Adam Lanza who did the shoots at Sandy Hook just needed someone to love him, encourage him, believe in him.  

What if we took a little more time out to just give out 1 hug, 1 compliment, one smile to someone different everyday? How many Adam Lanzas can we save? How much better would the world be if we came with a little more grace, practiced a little more forgiveness, and pass on a little more hope?

One of my favorite sayings is, "In the darkness, we can see the stars." Behind every breakdown, there is a break-through. As I watched the news Monday night, I saw a country come together, there was a sense of ONENESS, community, and so much compassion.
Let's make this holiday season about LOVE and LIFE. Let's make December 21st, the BEGINNING and embrace this winter solstice/end of the Mayan calendar with more LOVE and LIGHT. We MUST be the change we want to see in the world.

Love is the most powerful emotion we have. When we express our love, we elevate the consciousness of the entire world.  Please join me, on my facebook page, on Friday, December 21, 2012 and share at least one thing you love about your life, the world, God, or anything at all. Let's send our love to the planet.
Lastly, I BELIEVE in YOU. Thank you for being part of my life even if it was one service or if its been years since I've seen you.