Thursday, August 4, 2011

Shift Happens

I was cleansing my computer documents and stumbled on these notes when I read Robert Holden's book Happiness NOW. Sometimes when you go through things the second time around, you understand it more and see things for the 1st time. These notes are beautiful and transformative if you want to shift 1 degree to 212.

Shift Happens by Robert Holden
Some people go through life; and other people “grow” through life. Success, love, and happiness are only ever one thought away at most. One new perception, one fresh thought, one act of surrender, one change of heart, one leap of faith, can change your life forever.

Happiness is an inner light with no “OFF” switch.
Happiness is not an it! Happiness is not in things, it is in you. Happiness is your inner light that has no “off” switch. Sink into your heart. Let every in-breath be a symbol of your intention to connect unconditionally to love, life, and joy. Let every out-breath be a symbol of your willingness to let go of separation and fear.

You are what you seek.
Truth is here, inspiration is here, love is here, peace is here, help is here, God is here, because you are here. Truth is a pathless land, and happiness is a journey without distance.

There is nothing wrong with you.
Make a point of looking for the good in everyone you meet. See the light in their eyes, their faces, their smile, and their presence. Mentally bow to the light in everyone you meet today. Above all, teach no one that there is anything wrong with who they are. As you offer this light to others so will you strengthen it in yourself.

That which suffers is not you.
To remain true to your Unconditional Self, you must distinguish between experiences and identity. Can you see the difference between saying “I experienced failure” and “I am failure”? “I made a mistake” and “I am stupid”? “I am with fear” instead of “I am afraid”. You are not your suffering. They are thoughts you identify with, but they are not you. It is your attachment to these thoughts that causes pain. Give up the attachment and you are free.

Give up your attachment to the self…
That has made mistakes
That has experienced failure
That has suffered illnesses
That messed up.
That has been abused
That was betrayed.
That was once unpopular
That has been victimized
That grew up poor.
That was rejected.
That was wrongly accused.
That did not get the love.

You can have whatever you want.
Every moment of your life you are deciding 1) who you are, 2)what you want, 3)What you can do 4)What you deserve, and don’t. You choose your self-image, and therefore you choose your life!

There is no separation
Separation is the great illusion, great disease of mankind, hell, violent, like a cancer, root of disease and pain. Healing begins with dropping your defenses, giving up your secrets, reaching out, asking for help, receiving, letting others in, being intimate, and joining. If you are interested in having more energy, more inspiration, more creativity, more grace, more peace, more aliveness, and more joy, all you have to do is give up the illusion of separatness. Begin each day with: Dear God, today I give up the thought of separation. Amen”

God does not believe in atheists!
“What a pity it is we made a religion out of God. God is much bigger than religion. God cannot be bottled, labeled and sold.” There is a level of your mind which is all about God-whether you are religious or not. Whenever you clear your stuff about God, your life shifts. Life gets easier. To be happy you do not have to be religious about God, but you do have to be unafraid of God. At the deepest level, being at odds with God is also being at odds with yourself. Let God be immeasurable love, an infinite intelligence, unconditional peace, the creative impulse that supports the highest in everyone. If your God is not a God of love, get another God! What you want is a God that is bigger than your fear, your anger, your guilt, your ego, yourself. Let go, therefore, of your own ideas about God, and let God teach you about God.

Your world awaits you
All your suffering is rooted in a single superstition which is that you believe you live in a world when the truth is the world lives in you. The world changes when you do.
1. The world = my life = me
a. States that the world happens and you respond as a condition reflex

2. The world + me = my life
a. This world view says the world happens, but you can choose to respond to what happens. Welcome to the world of choice.

3. Me + the world = my life
a. The world is the hardware and you are the write the program and world responds to you.

The meaning of life is made, not found