Friday, November 29, 2013

A time for bounty

Thanksgiving is an American tradition my family loves to celebrate. We always attempt to do a turkey, but at the end of it all, it normally becomes a turkey pho.  

I've spent several holidays alone or with strangers since moving to Denver. The friendsgiving/orphan dinners were actually AWESOME.  

At first, I was kinda depressed by the thought but it really made me appreciate so many things. An event/person only has special meaning if you give it the power; it's really a definition you attach to it. It's just any other day, another 86,400 seconds. EVERYDAY is a gift and something miraculous could happen at anytime. Family is whatever and WHOEVER you want to include, it has no boundaries unless you put it there.   

As we enter this season of bountiful gifts, let us reflect on what that means exactly.
Boun-ty / baun-te' : noun - good things that are given or provided freely in large amounts.  

And, then there's...Bounty - the quicker-picker-upper.

My wise friend Kathy Cagney Rossi ( says we need both.
Being grateful is a great way to stay full. Full of peace and acceptance. When we have bounty in our lives (as defined above) it is the ultimate quicker-picker-upper. It will up your attitude in an instant when you take a moment to be grateful for all that you have.

Go forth and enjoy the bounty - the family, friends, turkey, pumpkin pie and all the trimmings. Oh, and be sure to have some Bounty on hand to clean up after crazy Uncle Sal spills the gravy, too!
And, don't forget to turn your scale back 10 lbs. this holiday!